Top 10 Resume Tips

Over the years I have read hundreds of resumes and I am stunned at the varying quality of them, especially considering the massive amount of resources online that tell you how to write a good resume. There is a lot of good advice out there and there is some that isn’t great. There is also a lot that is so high level it isn’t helpful at all. So here are 10 tips taken from life.

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Executive Success Tips (Part 1)

The best way to learn is to look at those who have gone before you. Who has already achieved what you want to achieve? If you’ve got your eye on the C-suite, here are five tips from some of the world’s most successful executives who have all been CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

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Manage Your Own Career

Too many people make the assumption that if they work hard then the hard work will get noticed and this will result in the next amazing opportunity. Never assume. Take charge of your own career to make it happen.

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How To Be Visible

There is a myth that the world is a meritocracy and the person who works the hardest wins. It’s not always the person who is “technically best” that gets the opportunities, it is the person who is “best connected”. If you want to go anywhere in your career people need to know who you are. You need to be visible.

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Next Level Emails

If you are in a corporate job then emails are going to be the bane of your existence. If you aren’t careful you will drown in administrivia. Alternatively, you could be the person who is drowning others with emails that are unnecessary and poorly executed. Here are some next level tips for doing email well.

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Welcome to Career Advantage

The workplace is a game and typically it’s several games happening simultaneously. There are winners and there are losers and but very few people will tell you how to play the game. Career Advantage is the mentor that you’ve been looking for.

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