Welcome to Career Advantage! This is a place where we discuss the things that you need to know to get ahead in your career. No bones about it, the workplace is a game and typically it’s several games happening simultaneously. There are winners and there are losers and there are very few companies that are completely honest about what it takes to succeed at that company. You might do a bunch of inductions that teach you about Health, Safety and Environment or the company’s Code of Conduct but you’re not going to learn how to play the game.

One of the most frustrating things when you finally get yourself on the career ladder is that you have all these questions about the workplace game but oftentimes you don’t have someone to ask. If your family and friends aren’t working in that industry or that sort of environment they’re not going to be much help and they probably won’t even understand your problems. They might also find it boring and have no desire to talk about it.

Not everyone is cut out to be a mentor or career coach. Just because someone else is ahead of you on the journey doesn’t always mean that they are interested in helping you get ahead. Unfortunately, you are going to encounter a number of people who actively don’t want you to get ahead and throw obstacles in your way. Some of your peers will naturally know the game but you may not feel comfortable asking them. If you’ve got places to go you also don’t want to be showing your hand and your weaknesses to the competition.

Leaders are readers, sure, but the best-selling books don’t give you the quick and dirty tips that you want to know now. Anything that has been through a major publishing house has been sanitised within an inch of its life. Other times the information sounds great but what’s a real world example of how you can put that into action straight away? That’s where we come in.

Not only have we climbed the corporate ladder and have decades of experience to draw on, at Career Advantage we’ve read hundreds of books and articles and watched hours of interviews with the best of the business world. We will save you time by sifting out the golden nuggets that will give you the edge over your colleagues. Sometimes there will be hacks available, but you will still need to put in the hard work.

To be clear, Career Advantage is not a place that advocates playing dirty or playing in the margins of what is morally or ethically appropriate. Integrity is paramount to stable and lasting success. However, not everyone you work with will have the same a personal moral compass to guide their decision making. Career Advantage will give you the guidance that you need to navigate those situations when they arise.

If you’ve found your way to Career Advantage you want more out of your career. Welcome, you’ve found the right place!

Career Pearl - Know The Game

Throughout this website, you will find “Career Advantage Pearls”. When put into practice, these pearls of wisdom are what will give you the edge, the advantage. Some are obvious, some will be a surprise and a few might even be counterintuitive but they are worth collecting. All of them are valuable and some of them are priceless. Good Luck!